About us

After 20 years of working in the IT industry I decided it was time to do something that I really wanted to. I’ve always been good at making things in wood, metal and composites so combining that with my passion for target rifle shooting it seemed a good idea to build and service sporting firearms. I don’t call myself a gunsmith as I think that should be reserved for those who have served an apprenticeship. I read about someone calling themselves a “gun plumber” and I quite like that!

I started shooting with the Air Cadets in 1976 using .22″LR No.8 conversions and a BSA 12/15 Martini. I then progressed to the Lee Enfield No.4 in .303″. The interservices cadet rifle meeting in 1979 and 1980 was my introduction to Bisley and a lifetime of target rifle shooting.

I shoot target rifle at international level and have represented Great Britain on several occasions so I think I have a good idea of what is needed if you want to aspire to that level.

I’m keen to help and no job is too small. I run hand loading courses for clubs to encourage safe and enjoyable loading practices.

I live ten minutes from Bisley and can be found there a lot, whether in the Surrey Rifle Association or on the ranges. I would be delighted to help you shoot better in any way I can.

Kind regards,

David Crispin